Best (Paid+Free) SEO Tools For The Best Performing Website


SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” Simply put, it means the process of improving your website to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business on Google, Bing, and other search engines. The better the visibility of your pages in search results, the more likely you are to attract attention and attract potential customers to your business.

Why is SEO Important?

To understand the importance of SEO, let us break down our definition into three parts:

1) Natural search results: Free listing on the search engine results page (SERP) determined by a search engine is highly relevant to users’ queries. Ads (in this context, PPC or pay-per-click ads) form an integral part of many SERPs. Organic search results are different from those ads because they are based on search engine algorithms instead of advertisers’ bids. You cannot pay for your page to rank high on natural search results.

2) Organic traffic quality: How important the user is and his or her search query for the content available on your website. You can attract all visitors of the world, but if they come to your website because Google tells them that you are a Windows seller while you are an Apple seller, those visitors may leave your website.

High-quality traffic only includes visitors who are sincerely interested in the products, information, or other services offered by your website. High-quality SEO makes money in search engine efforts to match user search targets to SERP listings.

3) Organic traffic volume: The number of users who visit your website through natural search results.  Users are more likely to click on search results from near the top of the SERP, which is why it is important to use your SEO strategy to rank the most important pages possible. If you attract high-quality visitors to your website, you are more likely to see an increase in important conversions.

As we have now cleared the basics of SEO, let’s go back to the main theme of the article. Which are the best SEO tools which can help you grow your business exponentially.

Also Read: Website Optimization Tips To Increase Website Performance

Top Paid SEO Tools

  1. Woorank
  2. Advanced Web Ranking
  3. Ahrefs
  4. Semrush
  5. Screaming Frog Seo Spider
  6. Spyfu
  7. Cognitiveseo

1. Woorank

Ever wondered how your rivals are doing? Using Woorank, you can link their details to find out which competitors’ keywords are targeted.

Knowing what works for others is the first step in determining which keywords will work for you.

Woorank can also help you find duplicate content for you and look for security issues. If you find any problems, you will find instructions on how to fix them.

Their Pro Plan is $79.99/month

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2. Advanced Web Ranking

A great way to get complete position tracking and quality monitoring, Advanced Web Ranking gives you daily location tracking results. By monitoring what happens on your site, you can find out what works and what doesn’t.

Easy on the eyes, their data structure can be fully customized. With easy link sharing and integration with third-party reporting, Advanced Web Level is ideal for those looking for a simple but powerful tool.

Their first plan costs $ 49/month.

3. Ahrefs: SEO keyword tool

Ahrefs is one of the most recommended SEO tools on the internet. This is only the second time Google has been a major search engine. SEO experts cannot get enough of Ahrefs’ Site Audit feature as it is the best SEO analysis tool around.

The tool highlights which parts of your website need to be improved to rank better in search engines. From a competitor’s analytical perspective, you will probably use Ahrefs to determine your rival’s backlinks to use them as a starting point for your product.

Alongside Ahrefs, Majestic is also an excellent tool for SEO analysis. You can use it as an alternative to Ahrefs, as it is budget-friendly in terms of pricing.

Their Lite plan costs $ 99/month. And they offer a 7 day trial for $7.

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4. SEMRush

SEO marketing tools like SEMRush are often a fan favorite in the SEO community. Experts love that they allow you to easily evaluate your standards and identify changes and new opportunities for the level. One of the most popular features of this SEO tool is Domain Vs Domain analysis, which allows you to easily compare your website with your competitors.

If you want statistical reports to help you better understand your website’s search data, traffic, or even your competitors, you’ll be able to compare keywords and domains. The On-Page SEO Checker tool allows you to easily monitor your rankings and get specific recommendations on how to improve the performance of your website.

Their Pro plan starts at $ 119.95/month – other options are available.

5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a web search engine that enables a quick search of URLs. It may also scan your site for broken pages.

You can check for missing title tags, duplicate meta tags, and incorrect length tags. You can also see the number of links on each page, so you know if you provide enough links to your content.

Their paid version is £ 149.00/year.

6. Spyfu

If you need an excellent search engine optimization tool for SEO keyword research, Spyfu can be yours. You can search for any domain while using it and see everywhere the domain is displayed on  Google.

There are a few important types of research that Spyfu can complete including SEO, PPC, and keyword. Spyfu also has a SERP checker and domain overview.

A large number of opportunities are included in the single program.

Their plans start at $ 33 /month.

7. CognitiveSEO

Here is another suite of tools, not just one. CognitiveSEO has all the essentials you need to research,  edit, and execute your SEO strategy. You will be able to research keywords, crawl your site with SEO  and go’s, analyze backlinks, and track mobile rankings. There are many other options, too. You can increase your public visibility and block Google Penalties – or, if necessary, cognitiveSEO will help you recover from them.

Their first plan costs $ 129.99 / month.

Top Free SEO Tools

  1. Google Search Console: Advanced SEO Tool
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Ubersuggest
  4. Bing Webmaster Tools
  5. Enhanced Google Analytics annotations
  6. Keyword Hero
  7. Mozcast

1. Google Search Console: Advanced SEO Tool

Offered free to anyone with a website, Google Search Console lets you monitor and report your website’s presence in the Google SERP. All you have to do is verify your website by adding a code to your website or by using Google Analytics and you can submit your site map for listing. Although you do not need a Search Console account to appear in Google search results, you can still control what is listed and how your website is represented by this account.

As an SEO testing tool, Search  Console can help you understand how Google and its users view your website and allow you to better optimize Google search results. It is especially useful for new websites as it allows site owners to submit web pages for listing.

This is the most reliable source of information on how Google crawls and ranks your site, and is one of the only places where you can find reliable keyword data. The search console limits downloads to 1000 rows, so also mark the Free Search  Console Data Exporter to download up to 25,000 rows at a time.

2. Google Analytics

If you have not yet used Google Analytics, we recommend that you get started as soon as possible. No other data source provides as much quality and detailed information as Google Analytics. In the age of Google, that’s what we have to work on. Most other data tools simply go back to Google data using the API.

3. Ubersuggest

Ubersugest is an all-in-one SEO tool designed to help you win an SEO game. A big part of SEO  success is knowing what you are doing, what your competitors are doing, and how you can adapt your strategy to make holes in the market.

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4. Bing Webmaster Tools

While Google Webmaster Tools gets all the credit, people forget that Bing Webmaster provides a  complete list of website and search statistics. Most useful are keyword reports, keyword research, and explicit data.

5. Enhanced Google Analytics annotations

How do you know if your traffic is associated with a Google Algorithm update, or perhaps a major vacation? This is a highly recommended Google Chrome plugin that covers additional data over your stats, so you can easily send screenshots to customers that clearly show how external forces affect traffic.

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6. Keyword Hero

Keyword Hero is working to solve the problem of missing keyword data with many advanced statistics and machine learning. It is not a flawless system, but for those who struggle to match keywords and conversions with other metrics on the site, data can be an important step in the right direction. Price free up to 2000 sessions/month.

7. MozCast

The mind of Drs. Pete and the first Google SERP tracker, MozCast is an algorithm tracker whenever there is a major update, or not. Also useful are SERP tracking features that reflect prominent features such as ads and information panels.


If you want to be visible on the internet and increase traffic to your website, you must use SEO. It helps your website rank higher on search engines, and it helps you maintain the traffic. Many SEO Automation tools are included in the above tools that help to automate your SEO.

SEO tools are important for you if you want to stay longer on the internet, it is a fierce competition and you need the best weapons to protect your position. SEO tools are just that, your shield and sword on the battlefield of the World Wide Web.


I am Chetan Shroff, a storyteller extraordinaire with a decade of experience. With a pen in hand and creativity in my heart, I craft scenarios that most people can relate to.

I develop content pieces for the latest trends and technology in IT, digital marketing, tourism, health care, sports, and motivation.

Outside of work, you can catch me reading “The Psychology of Money” and “The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks,” spending time with my wife (my critic) and grooving to Bollywood retro tunes.